Paige Clark of Stripe Cult usually lends her talents to the world of cars and motorcycles but we were able to persuade her to give a different kind of bike gear a chance. We caught up with her to chat a little bit about the inspiration behind her designs on the Forefront 2 and the Network and how it all came to life.
photos by Buster Boyd
Smith: Where does the name Stripe Cult come from?
PC: When I named my business I was having a really hard time, overthinking it for months. I had always been into black and white stripes since I was a teenager so I came up with that name. If you look at my logo that’s exactly what it is.
Smith: How did you start making art?
PC: My mom has been an artist her whole life. As long as I can remember I have been doing some sort of art form with her. The first thing I started drawing was horses, then I got into graffiti, then I got into faces. Never thought I would love sparkles and color so much.
Smith: Tell us about this helmet design…
PC: I wanted to stick with something that I think would remind people of my work. Gold, black, and brown is one of the first color combos I fell in love with and it’s still one of my favorites. The matte and gloss is also one of those things I tried out and ended up loving. It’s the same color combo that’s on my chopper. Can’t get enough of it! I love how this helmet turned out, I think it’s exactly what it should be.
Smith: Podcasts or music for art making? What have you been listening to lately?
PC: When I work I usually listen to music. Gang Star or Wu-Tang radio you can never go wrong with, or when I have a ton of polishing or sanding sometimes I’ll just watch Netflix and melt my brain a little bit, definitely helps kill the time!
Check out the Stripe Cult artwork on the Forefront 2 and the Network helmets and check out more of Stripe Cult’s work on instagram.